Why Work-Life Balance is Not Worth the Effort (and What to Aim for Instead)

When we hear the term work-life balance, we tend to think of it as a good thing. It’s doing great work, without overworking. It’s getting enough rest, without staying idle. But if we want to have a meaningful and productive life, striving for perfect workl-life balance is not often the right path. What we really want to aim for is Intentional Imbalance.
When we hear the term work-life balance, we tend to think of it as a good thing. It’s doing great work, without overworking. It’s getting enough rest, without staying idle.

But if we want to have a meaningful and productive life, striving for perfect work-life balance is not often the right path. What we really want to aim for is Intentional Imbalance.

In episode 52 of The Incrementalist,  you will learn:

1) 3 reasons work-life balance isn't really practical or beneficial

2) 3 elements of Intentional Imbalance
- Alignment
- Introspection
- Momentum

3) There’s nothing wrong with having a comfortable and balanced life. But if you want to do something great or extraordinary, you will need to focus on one thing at the expense of the other. And if you’re going to have imbalance, you might as well be intentional about it. 

Watch the video on episode 52, especially if you're a visual learner! Become one of the first 100 subscribers on our YouTube channel, The Incrementalist - A Productivity Show

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Check out the book: The Incrementalist, A Simple Productivity System to Create Big Results in Small Steps
Email: dyan@dyanwilliams.com
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