Goal Setting to Make Your Best Year Ever

Setting goals - when done right - puts you on the path to a more desired life. In goal setting, do not make the finish line the main thing or lose sight of the journey. 

In episode 67 of The Incrementalist, you will learn:

1) 0:15 By breaking your big goals down into mini goals, you achieve small wins that build your confidence, grow your knowledge, and keep you on an upward spiral.

2) 0:32 Goals are spotlights pointing you in a certain direction. They are not always your ultimate destination point. 

3) 1:21 The key differences between extrinsic goals and intrinsic goals. 

4) 1:53 Why it's better to focus on goals you control, like your daily habits and actions.

5) 2:41 How to measure progress by thinking about the gains rather the gaps.

5) 4:09 The benefits of embracing failure as a chance to learn, instead of a negative experience to avoid at all costs. 

6) 5:05 Why you need to choose or design the ideal environment and not rely on your willpower.

7) 6:40 Fear of hope is a root cause for why we resist change. 

8) 9:56 I'm creating an online course currently titled "The Busyness Trap: How to Escape Overload and Focus on What Matters." To get updates on the course launch and registration process, subscribe to my e-newsletter at dyanwilliams.com or The Incrementalist YouTube channel or podcast. 

Website: http://www.dyanwilliams.com/

The Incrementalist: A Simple Productivity System to Create Big Results in Small Steps, is available on Amazon and Leanpub:

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Theme Music by: 
Sebastian Brian Mehr. Album – Olemus; Song – La Nieve. 

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