A Quick Way to Make Habits Stick

Habit stacking is a quick way to build good habits, which have a lasting, massive impact in your life. Habits are automatic behaviors that reduce decision fatigue, make time your ally, and save your energy for the hardest things.
Do you have trouble remembering to do a new habit?

Are you setting the right conditions to form the habit?

Do you lose motivation when you don’t get immediate results?

Habit stacking is a quick way to build good habits, which have a lasting, massive impact in your life. Habits are automatic behaviors that reduce decision fatigue, make time your ally, and save your energy for the hardest things.

In episode 49 of The Incrementalist, you will learn:

1) The Habit Stacking formula

2) How habit stacking fits with Professor BJ Fogg's ABC method for designing behavior and building habits

3) Habit stacking applies the four rules of habit formation, outlined in James Clear's book, Atomic Habits:
Rule 1 - make the cue obvious
Rule 2 - make the craving attractive
Rule 3 - make the response easy
Rule 4 - make the reward satisfying

4) 5 quick tips for habit stacking

Check out the new YouTube channel at The Incrementalist - A Productivity Show! If you're visual learner, there is a video on episode 49!  Become one of the first 100 subscribers on our YouTube channel! 

Intro & Outro Music by:
Check out the book: The Incrementalist, A Simple Productivity System to Create Big Results in Small Steps
Email: dyan@dyanwilliams.com
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